Sunday, January 31, 2010


"When it rains it pours" -- This is a quote people usually use to describe how their life has gone downhill and every aspect is just following into the ground. Well, I was one of those people who only used this quote for negativity. That is -- until now!!!

Every aspect of my life has started to turn around.

1. Job situation: After hitting almost depression over not being able to find a job. About 45 unanswered resumes later, I have two prospects. Anthropologie has invited me to an interview when I get back to NYC -- as well as Kenneth Cole has reopened up for me. I will give more details on this after interviews and conversations because I do not want to divulge just yet.

2. Lifestyle: I have made a new group of friends, who are great people and really bring out the best in me. I am also believe I am changing for the better. I am not letting things that I cannot control, take over my life - and have actually put them out of my mind - which is why I have been able to start changing - growing up! Even party wise - I am more conscience of what I am doing and try to stay away from that "do whatever I want, don't give a fuck" mentality.

3. Dating: This is a derivative of the #2. Because my mentality has changed, I am looking for different characteristics when it comes to those I will choose to go on a date with. For example, I was at a party two nights ago. It was definitely a rager - but that is besides the point. I had guys coming up to me left and right. I met them, held conversations with them, but none were really interesting me. Which is fine -- by no means am I trying to settle down. This is my time to figure out what it is I want out of a guy. (as said in a previous post) I actually had one guy come up to me, get right in my face and say "kiss me." Really? , but about 3 other times he came up to me with the same type of lines. Well let's just say he definitely did not get any kiss from me and he got an ear full. But I have to say, he was attractive!! It's just, I am 25 now. I don't need act like I am 19, because if I was 19, unfortunately I do not think I would have felt as strongly against it - cuz all i was worried about was partying my ass off.

However, putting all the douche bags, from that party, aside - I met one really great guy. The conversation was easy, interesting, and it felt right - nothing was forced. He was a gentleman and extremely attractive. We've planned to go on a date while I am in town - and I am really excited. My first date in almost 2 years!!

There is no need for me to rush into something or settle down. I just want to have a good time, with some great company - and when "that" feeling comes along - it comes along- but I refuse to look and fight for it. I see and know so many people who HAVE to find that love, and they need it now. It's awful, because love is NOT forced. I feel sorry for those people because it is inevitable that they will end up unhappy. However, I digress - it is not my position to worry about others and how they treat love in their own life. It's all about me! For once - I am concerned about only me and getting to my best possible self.

Love comes when you least expect it and when it's the right person at the right time.

Enjoy the quote!!

"Your heart is the most powerful organ in your body. It owns both, your deepest of feelings and your actual life." - Me

..I'm just sayin..

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