Friday, January 15, 2010

Now the party don't stop...

I woke up at 11:30 this morning. I have to admit I definitely would not have if I didn't receive a text from my Mom, but all the same - I am up and ready to start my day!! I'll finally have time for the Bank, Shopping, PARTY!!!

Anyways...not really too much to write about today. Job search is still at a screeching halt - but I continue to venture forward and not give up. That's where my confusion lies with this blog. I said I would write every day, but I don't want to bore those couple people who may actually read this with "fillers." There are just those days that nothing eventful seems to happen. I recall a quote from a movie I recently watched, 500 Days of Summer (pretty good by the way) :

"Most days of the year are unremarkable. They begin, and they end, with no lasting memories made in between. Most days have no impact on the course of a life."

Now, I can honestly say I don't believe in this quote using "most" - but I can definitely agree with some. There are also some days where you look back and think - "Wow, nothing positive came out of this day." I, myself, live for those perfect little days that come few and far between...

Enjoy the quote!

"Don't forget those few amazing days that come in between the good, the bad, and the could do with out - they make it all worth while." - Me

...I'm just sayin...

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